Places I have lived

Garfield, NJ

Clifton, NJ

Waltham, MA

Passaic, NJ

Hamilton, NJ

My family



Homemaker, volunteer at Mercer NAMI, and a former software developer. Without all of her support and encouragement, I would never have been able to return to school.

My Children



My oldest child (by 5 minutes). Erik is a movie lover, and is currently employeed at AMC Hamilton, and is also applying to to the Mason-Gross digital film making program.
Update 2015/10/09 - Erik is now employed by Amazon



Elisabeth is Erik's younger twin (by 5 minutes), she is Women's and Gender Studies major at Rutgers, and PAL at Douglass Residential College, she is currently applying to grad school programs in anthropology.
Update 2015/10/09 - Elisabeth decided that she interested in international politics, and is now a master's candidate in the UN Studies program at Rutgers. She is also a Henry Rutgers Scholar based on her senior honors thesis about Asian American Women and Depression



Will, is 10, and is interested in bugs, zombies and outer space.